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Fukushima 129... 3/12/2021-4/16/2021
April 23, 2021
Tepco says 71% of the on-site storage tanks contain radioactive isotopes in addition to Tritium. The isotopes that “slip through” the ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) process includes low amounts of ruthenium, cobalt, strontium, and plutonium. However, the levels are greater than Japan's highly restrictive limits. Ken Buesseler of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution says, “These radioactive isotopes behave differently than tritium in the ocean and are more readily incorporated into marine biota or seafloor sediments.” Tokyo says the tanks that contain these isotopes will be repurified as needed to meet national standards for release. In addition, it is now estimated that 538 Petabecquerels of radioactivity was released by the three explosions in March, 2011. This is about a tenth of the total release that occurred with Chernobyl in 1986. Because the wind was blowing out to sea for most of the five days before, during, and after the explosions, most of the airborne radioactivity was deposited east of the Tohoku coastline.
A soccer youth training facility reopens in Hirono. It was closed following the F. Daiichi accident. The boarding school, JFA Academy Fukushima, held an enrollment ceremony for 19 boys to kick off the 16th annual class at the J-Village national soccer complex located between the towns of Naraha and Hirono. The students come from 13 Prefectures across Japan. The boys school will be populated into three classes by 2023. The girls will go through six grades from junior high to high school and be fully populated by 2024.
Tepco promises to swiftly compensate fishermen who lose money over unfounded rumors. Tomoaki Kobayakawa, president of Tokyo Electric Power Co., said there will be no restrictions on how long compensation will last, “We will respond in a flexible and appropriate manner to reduce the burden on victims as much as possible.” But, Fukushima Governor Masao Uchibori says Tepco's promise is being taken with a grain of salt because of recent issues at the Kashiwazaki-Kashiwa nuke station in Niigata, “I hold major distrust as well as anger at the series of mishaps (at Kashiwazaki-Kashiwa).” He also said Tepco does not have an adequate sense of responsibility, tracing back to the nuke accident more than 10 years ago. He also said “I do not believe the (wastewater) situation is one in which the understanding of Fukushima residents and the general public has been obtained.” --
South Korea has waxed and waned concerning the future release of the wastewater. At first, Seoul was firmly opposed to the release, so much so that they appealed to U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry to try and stop it from happening. South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong met with Kerry asking for his support In S. Korea's protest against the release at a dinner meeting on Saturday. The Ministry said, "Minister Chung conveyed our government and people's serious concerns about Japan's decision, and asked the U.S. side to take interest and cooperate so that Japan will provide information in a more transparent and speedy manner." But, Kerry responded that America was confident that Japan will proceed in a correct and transparent fashion, "The United States is confident that the government of Japan is in very full consultations with the IAEA. The IAEA has set up a very rigorous process and I know that Japan has weighed all the options and the effects and they've been very transparent about the decision and the process." He added that America will closely monitor the release to insure that there is no public health threat. Then, on Sunday, S. Korea said they were beginning to understand Japan's decision and Minister Chung Eui-yong said Seoul would not necessarily oppose the release if IAEA standards are met. -–'s-fukushima-plans -- -–
Echoing last week's analogy used in the foreign protest, Minamata disease sufferers voice their opposition to the release. A news release composed by their citizen's group said, "We oppose and protest the decision, which completely refuses to learn from the lessons of Minamata disease and looks to repeat the same mistakes." They admit that the Tritium in the wastewater poses little or no actual risk, but oppose the release because Tokyo has not gained consent of the Japanese people.
Tokyo restricts Fukushima rockfish shipments. One fish exceeded Japan's 100 Becquerels per Kilogram limit in February, but Japan did not impose the restriction then because it was but one specimen out of the entire three ton catch. However, the self-imposed limit of 50 Bq/kg set by the local fisheries took precedent and the restriction was imposed.
April 16, 2021
Tokyo has announced that F. Daiichi's environmentally benign wastewater release to the sea will happen, beginning in two years.
- The plan has been endorsed by PM Yoshihide Suga's Cabinet. Suga said, "This is a path that we cannot avoid in order to realize Fukushima's regional reconstruction and decommission the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. We will execute the plan only after ensuring it is safe. Potential damage to their reputation must not stand in the way of, or extinguish the hopes of people in Fukushima for recovery."Before the release into the sea, it will be diluted so the tritium concentration is well below Japan's standards and about one-seventh of the level the World Health Organization suggests for drinking water. The International Atomic Energy Agency says if the fishery's reputation is damaged, Tepco should provide financial compensation. Tokyo promises Tepco will “swiftly and adequately” offer compensation to people and businesses whose products are shunned because of the negative image caused by the water discharge. The government plans to start releasing the treated water in about two years. -– --
While addressing a Lower House committee on Tuesday, Prime Minister Suga said, "It is an unavoidable issue that cannot be delayed for the reconstruction of Fukushima." The water has been used to keep resolidified corium (formerly melted mixture of fuel and structural support materials), then run through ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to remove radioactive isotopes other than Tritium. Meanwhile, The Nuclear Regulation Authority vows to closely monitor the Tritium level in the waters and promises full public disclosure on the process. –- –-
The IAEA will play a central and “permanent” role in the wastewater discharge. So says Director General Rafael Grossi. He feels it will lend credibility and provide reassurances about the safety of the release. He said, "I cannot imagine a better, more efficient way to provide the international community with the necessary, timely, comprehensive information of what is going on than having the IAEA involved."
Upon making the announcement, a tsunami of protests and false claims ensued...
- Japanese civic groups demand wastewater alternatives to a sea release. The antinuclear Citizens' Nuclear Information Center claims the government has not gained permission from Japanese citizens, thus the release should not occur. Group head Ban Hideyuki supports the fishery's opposition to the release, and says Tokyo has not looked into other options, which is pure hogwash!. In addition, the Japan fisheries cooperative has formally protested the decision, calling it extremely regrettable and totally unacceptable. They also claim to be shocked at the decision, even though it has been a foregone conclusion for years! -– -–
China, South Korea, and Taiwan voice their opposition to the release. Chinese Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said the Japanese government should disclose adequate information and "make a careful decision based on full consultation with neighboring countries." But, Tokyo has done just that for years! China falsely alleges that F. Daiichi releases have had a “profound impact” on the marine environment and human health. Bejing calls the decision, “extremely irresponsible.” South Korea's Foreign Ministry says, "Our government has always emphasized that the Japanese government needs to transparently open up information over how it deals with contaminated water", which is what Japan has done all along. Foreign Minister Koo Yun Cheol cynically asserted, "The decision...was a unilateral move made without enough discussion or understanding from us, South Korea, which is the closest country geographically, The government will never tolerate any actions that could be harmful to our people's health.” South Korean President Moon Jae ordered his government to look into filing legal action against Japan. Meanwhile, Taiwan's spokeswoman Joanne Ou claims Japan has not provided enough detailed information on the release and that the Marine environment must be better protected. Aside - What makes this so ridiculous is that the nuke plants in China and S. Korea all make sea releases as a matter of routine. It is a clear case of international hypocrisy. -End Aside –- -– -–
Tokyo briefs diplomats from 49 countries on their decision. The briefing was done virtually on Wednesday. The government explained that radioactive tritium, which will remain in the treated water, will be diluted to a level lower than the amount permitted by Japan's ridiculously restrictive regulations, and one-seventh of the limit suggested by the World Health Organization for drinking water.
China asks Japan to drink the F. Daiichi wastewater. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian says, "A Japanese official said it is okay if we drink this water, so then please drink it," adding that Japan is ignorant of the ecological environment. Japan's response is that actually drinking the water would do nothing to improve the situation. Tokyo Minister Taro Aso said, “The act (of drinking the water) would not scientifically prove safety, (but) you would have no problem, even if you drank it." -- –-
Tokyo has withdrawn postings explaining the water discharge due to public complaints. The video correctly states, “there is a lot of tritium in the environment” and it will be “greatly diluted when released into the ocean,” and "There is no need to worry about health risks from tritium." The core of the complaints concern the use of an illustrated “mascot” that depicts the Tritium molecule. Public complaints call the illustration “cute” and waters down the seriousness of the problem. Iwaki writer Riken Komatsu tweeted, "The gap between the gravity of the problems we face and the levity of the character is huge." -– --
April 9, 2021
Japan's final decision on F. Daiichi wastewater disposal could come as early as Tuesday. They will release the liquid to the sea. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga met with Fisheries President Kishi Hiroshi on Wednesday to assure him that the ultimate policy is based on expert opinions. Suga said,"The government will decide on the policy, based on experts' proposal that the best way is to release the water into the sea." Regardless, Hiroshi remains opposed to it because it will generate a new wave of harmful rumors that will hurt the Fukushima fishing industry. He said,"There is no change in the least" in his organization's opposition to the idea of releasing the water. Suga's response was, "It is inevitable that there would be reputational damage regardless of how the water will be disposed of, whether into the sea or into the air." Kishi then demanded, "I want the government to clarify how it intends to respond to such reputational damage." Fisheries Minister Nogami Kotaro says he understands Kishi's concerns, but any method will result in baseless rumors. China and South Korea also oppose the release plans largely due to radiophobic concerns. Kotaro's office will work with all relevant ministries to dispel the rumors so that unscientific restrictions would not affect products from Fukushima prefecture. But, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Zhao Lijian says otherwise,“The radioactive material leakage caused by the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan has had a profound impact on the marine environment, food safety and human health." Clearly a baseless radiophobic opinion that ignores the fact that Tritium is naturally occurring, found in all open water systems around the world, and cannot harm anyone or anything due to its extremely weak form of radiation. -- –- –- –- –-
Meanwhile, a business facility opens in Okuma. It has nine stores and eateries. The nine businesses involved are intended to serve the roughly 100 new housing units and medical clinic in the town. In March, Okuma was found to have had 285 residents return due to lifting of Tokyo's 2011 evacuation order. The businesses include a coffee shop, grocery store, beauty shop, and laundromat.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Katsunobu Kato rejects rumors of foreign nuclear waste disposal. He says, "There is absolutely no truth to the idea that the government is considering the disposal of spent fuel or high-level radioactive waste overseas." He added that the effort remains underway to find a suitable domestic disposal site.
Tokyo says there have been 240 suicides due to the March, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Some “experts” say many deaths were due to the prolonged Tokyo-mandated evacuations around F. Daiichi. The numbers have been dropping each year. Five related suicide were registered in 2020.
America's White House supports nuclear energy as part of its clean energy plan. White House climate adviser Gina McCarthy said the administration would encourage utilities to use greener power sources. She added that nuclear would be included in the portfolio. President Biden wants 100 percent of America’s electricity to be generated by carbon-free sources by 2035.
April 2, 2021
Fukushima has opened a new multi-lingual portal site, "Fukushima Updates", where you can learn about the latest information on Fukushima and the basics of radiation. When you access the link, please click on “english” at the top of the home page. –-
Fukushima Fisheries end their prolonged “test” period. They have had amounts and types of marine products caught and sold under government limitations for nearly ten years. This good news is that fish caught off the coast have continually tested safe for radioactive content. The mandated “trial operations” began in June, 2012. The test period was invoked to assess the effects of harmful rumors. –-
C Fact has posted “The Real Lessons of Fukushima”. The concept behind the page is “the name Fukushima is etched into history. But few people know the truth of what happened.” The article simplifies the meanings behind several commonly-used phrases, such as hot shutdown, cold shutdown, and hydrogen explosions. Unfortunately, there are some errors, such as “They progressively ordered the evacuation of 160,000 people living around the Fukushima neighborhood.” Actually, Tokyo ordered 75,000 residents to evacuate. The other 90,000 evacuated voluntarily out of radiophobic fear. Regardless, it is an acceptable report of the truth with such statements as “nuclear power can be struck by the largest earthquake and tsunami ever recorded, and nobody gets harmed by nuclear radiation”, and “the evacuationis thought to have been responsible for more than 2,000 premature deaths among the 160,000 who were evacuated.” The article's bottom line is, “nuclear power is far safer than anyone had thought. Even when dreaded core meltdowns occurred, and although reactors were wrecked... no people were harmed by radiation.”
Tokyo ends its use of the term “aftershock” relative to the March 2011 earthquake. Strong temblors have occurred recently and Japan has suggested they may be related to the 2011 monster quake. The reasons are that after ten years, clear judgment is not possible and quakes of 7-8 Richter Scale are have occurred repeatedly all along the Japan Trench. An official said, “I want people to prepare for possible powerful earthquakes and tsunamis regardless of whether they are aftershocks or not."
No prefecture supports reuse of soils that were contaminated by the F. Daiichi accident. That is, none other than Fukushima Prefecture. Limits on contamination levels mean nothing! The limit of 8,000 Becquerels per kilogram, which cannot affect human health, means nothing. The decision, across the board, is clearly caused by naive, paranoiac radiophobia!
The Economist posts a video asking why people fear nuclear energy. Contrary to common misconception, “a well-regulated power plant even during an accident won't cause any deaths—TMI and Fukushima being real-world examples.”
European experts argue that nuclear energy is a green investment! They call the fuel sustainable because it can be recycled, over and over again. Last year, the European Union could not answer whether or not nuke energy is “green”. They said more analysis was needed. One year later, the EU says, “The analyses did not reveal any science-based evidence that nuclear energy does more harm to human health or to the environment than other electricity production technologies.”
Higher background radiation levels reduce cancer mortality and increase life expectancy. These conclusions are the result of a prolonged study by Ben-Gurion University's Negev Nuclear Research Center. Specifically, lower levels of lung, pancreatic and colon cancers in both men and women, and lower rates of brain and bladder cancers in men. The study used the US Environmental Protection Agency's radiation dose calculator to retrieve data from 3,129 US counties, cancer rate data from the US Cancer Statistics and life expectancy data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington Medical Center. Researchers say the results indicate "clear beneficial health effects in humans". This contradicts the flawed linear no-threshold (LNT) paradigm, which assumes that any exposure to ionizing radiation is risky.Those of us who ascribe to radiation hormesis, have been saying this, and more, for decades. --
March 26, 2021
An earthquake of 6.9 Richter Scale struck off shore of Miyagi Prefecture, this past Sunday. It was caused by fault slippage 59 kilometers from the shoreline, about 20 km offshore. Evacuation orders were temporarily issued for 11,000 coastal residents. A tsunami advisory was declared for the prefecture, but lifted after 90 minutes. Nine people were injured, but no deaths occurred. Unlike the 7.3 Richter Scale temblor in mid-February, this was not a major aftershock related to the Great East Japan Earthquake of Mar4ch, 2011. A perfunctory report of no abnormalities for Fukushima Daiichi and Daini, Miyagi's Onagawa, and Ibaraki's Tokai Daini stations was issued. An Ishinomaki resident said, "I felt a violent rolling motion. I can never overcome the fear of tsunami" after the massive quake in 2011. – –- –-
Tokyo asks the IAEA to support the safety of releasing F. Daiichi wastewater to the sea. Industry minister Hiroshi Kajiyama told IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi that Japan wants the U.N. nuclear watchdog to hold an objective review of the proposed release and share its view to the international community. Kajiyama said, "It has become increasingly important to dispel concerns and reputational worries over the safety of the water which have been raised domestically as well as from our neighboring countries."
The UNSCEAR 2020 report on F. Daiichi accident radiation exposure is now available. The numerous findings include (1) less than 8% of the total Iodine-131 inventory, and less than 3% of the total Cesium inventory of the three damaged reactors was released to the environment; (2) less than 20 Petabecquerels of I-131 and less than 6 Pbq of Cs-137 were deposited in the ocean; (3) “The material released to the Pacific Ocean was rapidly dispersed and diluted in seawater: by 2012, the concentrations of Cs-137 were little above the levels prevailing before the accident.”; (4) average annual effective doses have been estimated to be less than 0.5 milliSieverts in all non-evacuated municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture and below 0.1 mSv elsewhere in Japan: and (5) Compared with the estimates in the UNSCEAR 2013 Report, the revised estimates of average doses in the first year (after the accident) are lower by more than an order of magnitude for municipalities or prefectures with lower doses and up to about 30% lower for those with higher doses. Perhaps the most significant conclusion is, “The consequential over-diagnosis of thyroid cancers, many of which may never result in clinical symptoms, has the potential to cause considerable anxiety among some of those screened and to lead to unnecessary treatment, the detrimental effects of which may outweigh those of the radiation exposure itself...”
A Japanese doctor says the F. Daiichi evacuations had a bigger health impact than the accident's releases. Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura has studied the exposures and social situation in Fukushima Prefecdture for ten years and says, “No one died of radiation,” whereas uprooting tens of thousands of people caused clear social and health problems. In more than 140 papers, he and colleagues have documented the relatively low radiation exposures of Fukushima residents and the health impacts of the evacuation. They documented a high death toll among the elderly, increases in chronic diseases, and a decline in general well-being due to social displacement. Tsubokura says, “My goal was to help the local people, not as a researcher but as a local physician, to share the knowledge with the scientific community, and to record how the disaster affected people [as a way to] give my condolences.” He has found that the total releases to the environment were about a tenth of those attributed to Chernobyl, but a massive, perhaps unnecessary evacuation followed, nonetheless. His subsequent public statements have convinced may that it is OK to return home.
Water has been added to the unit #1 containment building. After the major February earth quake, the water level inside the structure dropped about 90 centimeters (~3 feet). The amount of coolant flow to the building has been increased about 4 tons per hour to bring the level back up so that consistent, reliable monitoring can continue.
The Olympic torch relay kicks off in Fukushima Prefecture. It has been delayed by a year due to the COVID19 pandemic. The relay will travel through all 47 prefectures, ending in Tokyo. Tokyo 2020 President Hashimoto Seiko said, "I hope the Olympic flame of the Tokyo Games will light up hopes around Japan one by one with its sacred, powerful and warm shine." –-
Tepco says the removal of corium has been delayed a year. The biggest task in the F. Daiichi decommissioning is the removal of resolidified fuel (corium) from the March, 2011 meltdowns. It was hoped to begin the work this year with unit #2, but the company now says it will begin at some time in 2022. The start dates for such work with units #1 & #3 have yet to be decided. The reason for the delay is reduced staffing due to the COVID pandemic.
The NRA will punish Tepco for K-K anti-terrorism errors. The Nuclear Regulation Authority will issue corrective actions for the anti-terrorism flaws discovered by Tepco at its Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke station in Niigata Prefecture. The order is based on the Law on the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors, and will prohibit Tepco from loading fuel into the reactors for restart. This is the NRA's first corrective action order to be issued since the agency's inception in 2012. The K-K plant's operation is needed by Tepco to stanch its financial bleeding. The NRA says the order will remain until the situation is “where self-sustained improvement is expected.” The security breach is defined as the worst in terms of safety and severity. If the agency finds Tepco has not taken appropriate measures, it will not be allowed to operate the plant. On Thursday, Tepco formally apologized to the Niigata governor. Tepco President Tomoaki Kobayakawa told Governor Hideyo Hanazumi, "I sincerely apologize for causing great concern." Hanazumi responded, "Having heard your words of apology, I now want you to demonstrate what you said by action and achievements." –- –- –
March 19, 2021
A Japanese video says news coverage has blown the radiation effects of F. Daiichi out of proportion. It is entitled “How Fukushima is Killing 1000s of People”. It stresses that F. Daiichi radiation might have caused one death. But fear of radiation and the evacuations from Fukushima Prefecture have killed thousands. These deaths are not only in Japan, but around the world in countries that have banned nuclear in favor of fossil fuels and its various deadly pollutants.
Japan posts two relatively positive videos about recovery from the 2011 cataclysms. One video covers the progress made in Tohoku region reconstruction of the damage caused by the quake and tsunami. It also covers the joint Japanese-American relief effort; Operation Tomodachi. The other video focuses on New Zealander Sylvia Gallagher who moved into the prefecture and began producing Japanese washi paper, a traditional Japanese art form.
A high court reverses its shutdown order for Ikata unit #3. The Hiroshima court ordered the plant's shut down in January, 2020, due to local resident's concerns about Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) risk assessments. Locals argued that there are active earthquake faults within 2 kilometers of the nuke. But, Shikoku Electric Co. provided evidence to the court that the alleged faults do not exist. The court also decided that any risk from a volcanic eruption from Mt. Aso, 130 kilometers distant, is “tiny”.
Tokyo says Tepco's K-K nuke station cannot be restarted. The NRA announced it has rated the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke station “red”, which the most serious security rating the agency has. The rating system was started last April, and the K-K station is the first to receive a red rating. The reason is that some anti-terrorism equipment malfunctioned last March and Tepco staff neither reported it nor fixed it. As a result, the NRA found that “organizational management functions had deteriorated to the point where unauthorized intrusion was possible.” NRA Chairman Toyoshi Fuketa said, “We are not at the stage where we can restart the plant as it stands now. This case is serious in that there had been multiple areas where third parties could illegally enter for a long period of time.” TEPCO responded, “We take the severe evaluation seriously.” Prime Minister Suga has criticized Tepco for allowing this to happen. Suga wants Tepoco to take drastic measures to improve its management practices. Kashiwazaki Mayor Masahiro Sakurai says he is shocked, “I am afraid that the recent problem illustrates the company’s inability to alter its systemic awareness.” He has expressed support for K-K restarts, but now he isn't sure. –- – –-
Nuclear power companies are at the mercy of local courts over restarts. So says Japan's largest news outlet, the Yomiuri Shimbun. The reason is yesterday's Mito court ruling denying the restart of Tokai unit #2 – the only nuke in the Tokyo metropolitan area. The court says evacuation plans are either flawed or nonexistent for the nearly 1 million people within 30 kilometers of the station. The main problem is that there are 14 municipalities in the evauation zone, and nine have yet to formulate plans mandated by the NRA. Presiding Judge Eiko Maeda said the current situation "poses a concrete danger that could infringe on personal rights" of local residents. Restart of nuclear plant operations is at the mercy of disparate courts - The Japan News ( -– Tokai nuclear plant ordered to halt for lack of evacuation plans (
Another 10th anniversary “hopelessness” article is posted. The Asahi Shimbun says that there is no end in sight for those working hard to decommission F. Daiichi. The Press outlet calls the process “the most expensive and dangerous nuclear clean-up ever attempted.” While Tokyo estimate it could take 40 years, un-named “outside experts” say it will be twice that length of time. It also says, “There still is no plan for where to put the radioactive debris from the reactors.” Decommissioning Committee leader Hiroshi Miyano laments, Where will the waste go? Will it be pulverized? These are the questions that need to be asked.”
Anti-nuclear consultant Mycle Schneider says F. Daiichi makes nuclear energy irrelevant. He cites deceased Dave Freemen who said, "The debate is over. Nuclear power has been eclipsed by the sun and the wind." Schneider focuses on the lack of nuke construction in America, and its “aging” operational fleet. He asserts, “No wonder despair is reigning in nuclear companies' headquarters. Ten years after the disaster struck Japan, nuclear power has become irrelevant in the world.”
March 12, 2021
Yesterday marked ten years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that caused the Fukushima Daiichi accident. As we anticipated, the Japanese Press flooded the world with news reports; some with a semblance of objectivity, some emotional appeals, and others that rehashed old news in order to promote continued FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).
Two districts in Okuma ease entry restrictions. Citizens now have unrestricted access to Shimonogami and Kuma Districts. The barrier gates preventing entry were removed this past Monday morning. Technically, the evacuation orders remain in place, awaiting necessary support infrastructure to be completed. The full lifting of the evacuation order should occur early next year.
The United Nations says radiation-caused health problems from the F. Daiichi accident are unlikely. To be precise, the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation says health effects ae “unlikely to be discernible.” The committee adds that the reported increases in Child Thyroid Cancer cannot be from the very low exposure levels caused by the nuke accident. To the contrary, it is the result of "ultrasensitive screening procedures that have revealed the prevalence of thyroid abnormalities in the population not previously detected." Though an increase in child thyroid cancer could be inferred, it will not be medically observed or identifiable. In addition, UNSCEAR says cancer increases among F. Daiichi workers is unlikely to be discernible.
Rear Admiral Robert Girrier commanded the USS Ronald Reagan during Operation Tomodachi in March, 2011. Despite the widely publicized lawsuits claiming severe effects of radiation exposure to his crew, he says, “To be clear, the radiation levels measured out at sea were extremely low level and did not pose a health risk. In fact, the levels were a fraction of the annual amount one might normally receive from naturally occurring sources such as soil, water, air and solar radiation.” When asked if the crew remained calm during the period of low-level Fukushima contamination exposure, he responded, “The answer is that we didn’t have a problem with this because the information flowed from the bottom-up. Meaning, the people that were reading the instruments, the radiation control techs and other personnel engaged in monitoring onboard, were all highly trained. They had the monitoring information before I did, and they knew the facts.”
Former American Ambassador John Roos recalls the terror he felt on March 11, 2011. He was in his Tokyo office when the F. Daiichi accident happened. He recalls that the earthquake lasted for “what seemed like an eternity. We thought the embassy was going to collapse, and, quite frankly, we were not going to survive.” At first, he concerned himself with doing whatever he could to support the effort to mitigate the effects of the quake. About an hour later, he found out about the catastrophic tsunami by watching his cellphone because all formal lines of communication were not working. Then, “Several minutes later, one of our Japanese staff in the embassy came up to me and said she just talked to the Defense Ministry and a nuclear crisis, or nuclear situation, was developing. All of the pressure seemed to be converging on the U.S. Ambassador’s office.” He was also by cellphone that the NRC commissioner said “There was a 50 percent chance that within 24 hours, the Fukushima situation could turn into a Chernobyl, or even worse than a Chernobyl.” Soon after, a senior military official told him, “There is a possibility that Tokyo could become a contaminated wasteland.”
The NRA has put together its latest official report on the F. Daiichi accident. The investigation had been suspended due to high radiation levels, but resumed it two years ago. The Nuclear regulation Authority inquiry indicates that 70 thousand trillion Becquerels of radioactive material might be adhered to the concrete shield plugs atop the containment vessels of units #2 and #3. This makes the removal of the containment “lids” difficult. The NRA says it will instruct Tepco on how to proceed. The report adds that during the accident the ventilation system caused some of contaminated, hydrogen-filled gasses to build up in the reactor buildings, which could have triggered the catastrophic explosions. This is the NRA’s first detailed confirmation on the hydrogen explosions.
The reason water level fluctuated in unit #3 containment building after last week’s earthquake was the opening of a clogged drain. Following the quake, which was actually an aftereffect of the March 2011 quake, workers checked the unit for quake damage. They found no damage, but discovered a drain was clogged with paint debris. When they cleared the drain, the water level inside the building dropped. In fact, it went down to a level lower than what it was before the quake occurred.
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