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Fukushima FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
Fukushima FUD*
Objective rebuttals to popularly-posted antinuclear Fukushima reports designed to misinform; promoting nuclear energy Fears, through the use of Uncertainty and Doubt.* All of the antinuclear reports rebutted here focus on the Fukushima nuclear accident since March of 2011. Some of the below rebuttals are taken from Fukushima Commentary at this website, and posted to provide individual linkage. The links to each specific rebuttal are posted following the title and author of each published report, below.
1 - Paul Gunter on RT America. For rebuttal, see "Fukushima Fabrications" at...
2– "Fukushima Children are Dying" by Harvey Wasserman. For the rebuttal see “Fukushima Children are not Dying!” at...
3 – “Report on Health Status of Residents in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties Living Near the Diablo Canyon Reactors Located in Avila Beach, California” by Joseph Mangano. For the rebuttal see... “San Luis Obispo shows us how to expose antinuclear pseudo-science” at...
4 – The Hottest Particle (video) hosted by Arnie Gundersen. For the rebuttal see... “Arnie Gundersen’s Hot Particle Myth” (April 11, 2014) and “The Fukushima Hot Particle Myth” at...
5 – The Nuclear Omnicide by Harvey Wasserman. For the rebuttal see “Harvey Wasserman Goes Over the edge…Again!” at...
6 – Remove TEPCO Before Removing Fuel (video) hosted by Arnie Gundersen. For the rebuttal see... “Fairewinds’ Gundersen Guarantees Problems with Unit 4 Spent Fuel Removal” at...
7 - Humankind’s Most Dangerous Moment: Fukushima Fuel Pool at Unit 4 by Harvey Wasserman. For the rebuttal see... “Doomsday Prophecies Precede Fukushima’s Spent Fuel Removal” at...
8 - Worldwide health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident by Ten Hoeve and Jacobson. For the rebuttal see... “Debunking the Latest Fukushima Death Threat” at...
9 - Arnie Gundersen says Divine Intervention Kept Japan from Having 14 Meltdowns - For rebuttal, see...
10 - The Left Needs to Reconsider its Automatic Position Against Nuclear Energy; Guest Post by BILL SACKS and GREG MEYERSON - found at...
11. - What’s Really Going on at Fukushima (subtitled Is Fukushima Godzilla? Why 38 million Tokyo residents are at risk ) by Robert Hunziker. For rebuttal see... The Most Blatant Fukushima FUD to Date - To be found at...
12. - Summing up the Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster by Ian Fairlie. For rebuttal, see... Ian Fairlie on Fukushima: Errors and Omissions - To be found at...
13. - Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan by Arnie Gundersen. For rebuttal, see... Arnie Gundersen Descends into the Deepest Depths of the Dark Side -To be found at...
14. Tritium Expose by Ian Fairlie. For rebuttle, see... Ian Fairlies Spouts Tritium FUD - to be found at...