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Fukushima: The First Five Days
What happened during the first five days of the accident at Fukushima Daiichi?
Could the meltdowns and hydrogen explosions have been avoided?
This book chronicles the truth about the Fukushima Accident from the perspective of the operating staff combatting the on-going crisis while it happened.
Here’s what people are saying…
“In a stunning tour-de-force, Leslie Corrice…has taken the official source plus his own experience, and synthesized the events into a narrative which is factual yet readable; accurate, yet dramatic; thorough, yet not burdensome….This is a story which cannot be put down.” (Will Davis – 1/12/2012: Atomic Power Review)
"Thanks for the book -- it's quite the read" (Steve B.)
"Extremely well done and helpful" (Meredith A.)
"Thanks for devoting the time to produce this work. It's a very useful account" (Barry S.)