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Fukushima 131... 8/13/2021-10/29/2021
October 29, 2021
Japanese colleague Shizuyo Sutou reveals that A-Bomb survivors have “elongated lifespans” and “reduced cancer mortality”. Using actual, widely accepted statistics on A-bomb “survivors”, he points out that the people further from the Hiroshima/Nagasaki blasts had both higher cancer and lower mortality rates than those “close in”. In fact, cancer mortality of A-bomb survivors is actually lower than Japan's national average! In conclusion, Sutou says the Linear/No threshold assumption for radiation exposure is wrong and should not be used by regulation authorities to set “permissible” exposure limits. (Your friendly neighborhood Fukushima reporter has espoused this for more than a decade.) Shizuyo's paper is lengthy and detailed, but well-worth the time and effort to absorb it!
Tokyo creates a new national plan promoting nuclear energy. In addition to increasing “renewable” energies, the plan says the portion of nukes in the grid will be between 20-22%. To do this, roughly 30 nuke restarts will be needed, and Tokyo vows to get it done. The document states, “We will mobilize all options” and the “supply of stable and low-cost energy is a prerequisite,” while promoting new, smaller reactors to replace ones decommissioned in the future. The previous regime, headed by Minister Yoshihide Suga, continually waffled on nuclear, with a definite slant towards less and less nukes. Tokyo will put together a taskforce to “accelerate” restarts. The new plan points to renewables being 36-38% of the power supply in 2030, up from the current target of 22-24%. It wants Japan to emissions-free by 2050, and nuclear is one of the key ingredients. This new plan faces strong opposition from the usual suspects. ” -
Suttsu, Hokkaido, re-elects Haruo Kataoka as mayor. He favors hosting a nuke waste storage facility under the town. He gained 1,135 votes, while his anti-storage plan opponent got only 900. Kataoka will serve his sixth term as mayor. In the previous four mayoral elections, he ran unopposed. The three stage process of site selection will give $17.5 million in subsidies to the town of 2,800 for the first, and over $61 million for the second stage. Kataoka says the subsidies will turn around the local economy that has been battered by a dwindling population and the COVID pandemic.
Ukedo Elementary School in Namie Town has reopened after 10 years of closure. Its pre-opening events were covered in our previous posting. A sixth-grader in 2011, Yokoyama Wakana said memories from that terrible event have faded, but she wants the school to be a place where the memories can be refreshed. Photos of the school during the opening, can be viewed here...
The latest nuclear fear in Japan is floating pumice. The Nuclear Regulation Authority says a massive number of pumice stones floating off southwest Japan could affect some nukes. How? By theoretically blocking cooling water intakes. The NRA says accumulated pumice and other objects may clog up the seawater intake equipment. The Regulator admits that the possibility can be avoided by installing fences in front of the water intake equipment.
Mihama Unit #3 is shut down, just 4 months after its post-Fukushima restart. It could not meet a deadline set by regulators to implement anti-terrorism measures. Owner Kansai Electric Co. says should be able to resolve the problem around September, 2022, and restart the unit the following October. Mihama #3 is the first nuke to operate beyond the government-mandated 40-year service period.
An emergency drill is being held for Mihama Unit #3. The Fukui prefecture government began the two day drill, today. 5,000 local residents and 1,800 people from about 100 institutions are expected to participate. The scenario's hypothetical cause is a cessation of cooling water to the plant due to an off-shore seabed earthquake.
October 22, 2021
- Japan's #3 newspaper posts a brief fact sheet on the future F. Daiichi waste water release. It is designed to explain why the ALPS-treated water needs to be released, and a bit about how it will be done. The Mainichi is historically antinuclear, but this article is not.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited F. Daiichi on October 17th. He toured the plant site, but was most surprised by the roughly 1,000 large ALPS-treated wastewater storage tanks. He told the press that seeing the huge number of tanks, he realized the importance of the release issue, adding that action could not be delayed. Kishida said, “Working together with the IAEA, the Japanese government will act transparently and explain the safety of the water from a scientific point of view. We will make full efforts to eliminate concerns.” He added that his government would focus on getting NRA-approved nukes restarted. – -
An “exchange center” opens in Okuma and a coming-of-age ceremony was held. Coming-of-age is celebrated when a young adult turns 20. The ceremony is held annually, but was curtailed the last two years due to the COVID pandemic. It is also the first ceremony held in Okuma since Tokyo mandated a full evacuation in 2011. The Center houses a multipurpose hall and a music studio, as well as other public areas.
An elementary school in Namie damaged by the 2011 tsunami was shown to the Press on Oct. 7 as one of the Prefecture's first relics of the disaster. The town was hit by a tsunamic surge over 15 meters high, sweeping away the lower level of the school, leaving only the remains of the steel and concrete skeleton. A teacher credited with saving students on that terrible day emphasized the significance of the event, saying, "I hope this will be an opportunity for people to reconsider disaster prevention in their own communities and workplaces." The principal also spoke and said, "For disaster prevention education, it is most important for people to see the real thing firsthand. I hope many people will visit (Ukedo) school since this much of the facility has been preserved."
The head of the Nuclear Regulation Authority orders another inspection of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant site in Niigata Prefecture. This is because of reports earlier this year that a series of serious breaches of anti-terrorism measures occurred. The plans are apparently to determine whether TEPCO implemented measures to prevent a recurrence. NRA chair Fuketa Toyoshi said that the company's headquarters has taken the situation seriously, but not by people working at the plant.
A planned nuclear waste storage site in Hokkaido is a major political issue n the local election! After being elected unopposed as mayor of Suttsu four consecutive times, another candidate is running against him, entirely because Mayor Haruo Kataoka approved the first stage of the formal selection process for literature research where existing data and documents are examined. The town has not had an actual election in 20 years! The issue has fractured the community of about 2,900. One local fisherman said, “Whichever candidate wins or loses, the town’s deep division will continue to remain.” The reason for the discord is because many don't want anything nuclear near them, and others want the rather generous subsidy money given by Tokyo. Kataoka wanted the money to revive the fishing industry. He says, “I can feel how the pros and cons are among town residents in my heart.” He is opposed by Yoshiki Echizenya, a former town assembly member, is running because his call for a town referendum was ignored by the Mayor, He says, “First of all, we should listen to the voices of all residents. The town should not depend on government subsidies for its financial management.” -
October 15, 2021
The new Tokyo Industry Minister meets Fukushima Governor Uchibori Masao. Minister Hagiuda Koichi made his first visit to Fukushima last Sunday. Uchibori pointed to the future release of treated water into the sea after diluting it so the Tritium and other radioactive materials are well below national standards. The minister also toured the F. Daiichi plant site. He looked at decommissioning efforts on the west side of Units 1~4 and tank areas. The minister was also briefed on the characteristics of ALPS water treatment . He said, "I hope you will continue with the good work." - -
New PM Fumio Kishida is considering a visit to F. Daiichi on October 17th. He wants to highlight his commitment to the reconstruction of areas affected by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. He said, "There will be no revival of Japan without the reconstruction of areas hit by the 2011 earthquake. With this strong determination, we will do all we can to support affected people, rebuild businesses and livelihoods and revive Fukushima."
Japan's Press says pro-nuclear lawmakers hold key positions in the Kishida government. The new ministers have vowed to stick with the net zero target for greenhouse gas emissions. New environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi said, “What's important is continuing with the existing policy and we will adhere to it.” But, he added that he was willing to listen to feedback from the electric power industry. The ruling party is, in general, unhappy with the no new nukes recently suggested by the outgoing administration. The new cabinet's apparent continuation of former environment minister Koizumi, is suspect because of the LDP party's strong pro-nuclear block. That block is close to former PM Shinzo Abe, who supported building new nukes to replace older ones forced into retirement by the Nuclear Regulation Authority. PM Kishida is skeptical that renewables can do the job by themselves, “Renewables are important sources of energy, but is it wise to rely on them alone?”
The NRA is skittish about a recently discovered 1000 year old fault off Chiba Prefecture. Chiba lies across the Tokyo Bay from the nation's capital city. The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology found evidence of a massive tsunami on the coast of the prefecture. It is assumed that the tsunami was triggered by a Richter Scale 8.5 quake. Whether or not the discovery will negatively affect nuke restarts in the region, is speculative. Current screening criteria is based on the possibility of an earthquake of about 8.7 striking the area.
Tokyo's new ruling party wants nuke restarts and SMR development. This is part of the Liberal Democratic Party Manifesto posted this past Tuesday. In the area of Energy and the environment, the posted fields are (1) energy conservation, (2) the restart of nuclear power plants (NPPs), (3) the promotion of automotive motorization, (4) storage batteries, (5) hydrogen usage, (6) underground small modular reactors (SMRs), and (7) carbon recycling. This confirms that the LDP is returning to a pro-nuclear position. In addition, the manifesto says the party remains committed to support evacuated Fukushima residents returning home. Prime Minister Kishida said, ““It is important to ensure supplies of energy not only in a stable manner and at low cost, but also from the viewpoint of climate change countermeasures. In addition to thorough energy conservation and the introduction of renewable energies to the maximum extent, we will pursue all options, including the utilization of nuclear energy with the top priority on safety, and the actual use of hydrogen throughout society.” He added that it was important to work on nuclear “with an eye to the future, including SMRs and technology for further improvements safety.”
Okuma and Futaba demand that Tepco regain public trust. Mayors Jun Yoshida and Shiro Izawa submitted a written demand to Tepco President Tomoaki Kobayakawa. It is believed this was spurred by the recent bad Press concerning Tepco's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuke station. Izawa said, "Distrust among locals is at its worst ever, We demand, not request, efforts to regain trust."
October 8, 2021
Japan has a new Prime Minister. Fumio Kishida was elected by Japan's Parliament to replace Yoshihide Saga on Monday. He said, “From here on out is the start in the true sense of the word. I want to go ahead with a strong mind and strong determination.” Kishida won 311 votes in the Lower House, over 80 more than a majority. He garnered 141 votes in the Upper House, 20 more than a majority. He immediately decided on who all 20 ministers will be. 13 of them will hold a Minister's position for the first time. -
New Industry Minister Koichi Hagiuda says there is currently no plan to build new nukes or rebuild old ones. Japan is in the process of updating its basic energy plan and released a draft of the new one. It says that nuclear will maintain its 20-22% share of the grid, but there is no mention of nuclear plant construction. However, Hagiuda said nuclear energy “is essential in terms of ensuring a stable supply of reasonable electricity and responding to climate change." He was previously the Education, Culture, Science, and Technology Minister.
Japan's NRA inspects the Japan Atomic Power Company offices in Tokyo for the seventh time. In August, the Nuclear Regulation Authority decided to suspend screening on whether to allow the Tsuruga Unit No.2 to be restarted. This came after disclosure that the company had deleted part of its data report on a possible earthquake fault running under the unit. Japco says it will respond to the inspection in an earnest manner. The company and the NRA cannot agree on whether or not the fault might be active.
A popular Japanese Press outlet tries to revive radiophobia in Fukushima. The Mainichi Shimbun, Japan's 3rd largest news outlet, continues to provoke fear of radiation in its readers. Now, it's alleging that the “effects” of the deposited Cesium is still being felt in the Abukuma region's logging industry. Logging has stagnated severely because of the residual radioactive Cesium found in the wood. If plants have scant supplies of essential Potassium, they will absorb Cesium, which has similar chemical properties. Radiation fears have essentially stopped the sale of the wood.
October 1, 2021
The removal of America's bans on Fukushima imports is explained. Continuing restrictions flies in the face of scientific results and safety data. America is the world's largest importer of Fukushima products, mostly with respect to beef. U.S beef shipments were running at several hundred kilograms a year before the nuke accident, but rose to a record high of 4,577 kg in fiscal 2018. Japan expects the total lifting of restrictions will further increase beef exports. Fukushima Gov. Masao Uchibori said, "The elimination of all import restrictions on Japanese agricultural, forestry and fishery products by the United States, an important trading partner for these products, will affect other countries that are still restricting their imports, taking a major step toward dispelling bad rumors about our prefecture."
Japan's NRA will conduct an on-site inspection of Tepco's Kashiwazaki-Kariwa station. The Nuclear Regulation Authority is under pressure to investigate into the breaches of anti-terrorism measures at the station. Last week, Tepco submitted a report on its investigation as to whether or not the safety of the K-K units has been compromised. NRA Chairman Fuketa Toyoshi says the inspection is to confirm or deny the contents of the report. Tepco wants to load fuel into both units, but the NRA has banned fuel loading until the situation can be shown to have sufficiently improved. Tepco desperately needs the cash flow from restarting both units.
September 24, 2021
America removes remaining Fukushima-based food restrictions on Japanese imports. Japan's agriculture ministry announced the lifting of the limitations on Wednesday. 100 products from 14 Japanese prefectures, such as rice and naturally grown shiitake mushrooms, now can be exported to the United States without restriction.
The European Union will reduce restrictions on Japanese food products. Fukushima-grown bamboo shoots and cultivated mushrooms will be removed from the restricted list on October 10th. This is the EU's first lifting of Fukushima accident-based import limitations in nearly a year. A Japanese official said the easing will"greatly reduce the burden of administrative work and possibly increase exports."
Japan continues to brief the IAEA on plans for releasing F. Daiichi wastewater to the sea. Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, Inoue Shinji, explained the plan in a video message to the IAEA General Conference on Monday. He said (once again) that Japan will continue to explain the plan in a transparent manner to the international community based on scientific evidence. Regardless, South Korea continues to rap Tokyo's decision and demands they reconsider because of insufficient consultations with them. –
Futaba Town harvests its first rice since 2011. The town had 470 hectares of rice prior to the nuke accident. On Wednesday, three farmers harvested from a 10 acre paddy. The plants will be tested for radioisotope content, then disposed of, regardless of the results of the examination. But, if the tests show less than Japan's limit, plans will be developed for full-scale rice farming in 2025. Farmer Kohata Osamu said he hopes that test farming will serve as reference for those who might grow rice again.
Tepco mislocates about 100 fire detectors at their distressed Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant. Sources say they were not located according to safety regulations. Nuclear plant operators are required to place a fire detector at least 1.5 meters from an air conditioner vent or other opening. In February, inspectors from the Nuclear Regulation Authority noticed that a smoke detector was placed incorrectly. After Tepco had the unit placed properly, an additional NRA inspection found that two other fire detectors were misplaced. Then, the company looked for other such misplaced units and found that dozens were located in error. This is the latest in a series of safety violations at the K-K site, and it will probably further delay restarts of units #6 and #7. TEPCO is eager to get the K-K units back online because fossil fueled electricity is expensive.
The NRA wants Tepco to improve radioactive waste management at F. Daiichi. Most solid waste has been stored at designated outdoor “interim” depots. But, some 60,000 cubic meters of the material has been stored for more than one year, which was the intended limit. The NRA says the volume has increased eight-fold since January 2020, and Tepco has not been inspecting their storage ares enough. The company says it will review the on-site temporary storage situation and do whatever is needed to satisfy NRA concerns.
September 17, 2021
Another unit passes the safety check for restart. This time it is a boiling water reactor system (BWR). It is Shimane unit #2, located in the prefecture after which the unit is named. It has an output capacity of 820 MW electrical and is the 17th unit approved by the Nuclear Regulation Authority for restart under Japan's stricter regulations following the 2011, tsunami-caused Fukushima accident. It still needs consent of the Shimane prefectural government and the Matsue (capital) city government to restart. To date, the prefectural governor and the Matsue mayor have not indicated any opposition. Work on the yet-to-be-completed 1,370 MW unit #3 continues. Chugoku Electric President Mareshige Shimizu says the two units “will bring benefits that match our investment once they are put into operation.”The screening process for unit #2 took more than 7½ years due to official disagreement on the scale of a theoretical future earthquake. As a result, the original estimate of 600 gals acceleration was increased to 820 gals, and maximum tsunami height from 9.5 to 11.9 meters. The local evacuation plans were approved by Tokyo on September 7th. Chicogu Electric wants to restart at some point after March, 2022. –- –
September 10, 2021
A team of IAEA experts will assist in preparing for the release of essentially harmless F. Daiichi wastewater. They arrived in Japan on Tuesday, September 7th, and plan to leave on Friday, September 10th. Headed by Lydie Evrard, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, is compiling information for a review of the discharge plans.Evrard stated, "The agency is firmly committed to ensuring that the review is comprehensive and objective and that the results are conveyed to the international community." The team met with Japanese officials in Tokyo to begin what will be a two decade oversight of the releases through an underground tunnel. IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said,“The Agency is supporting Japan to ensure that the entire operation to discharge the water over the coming decades is conducted in a way that is consistent with international safety standards.” The team will also visit South Korea and China, as well as domestic fishing villages where objections to the release have been raised. -– -- –-
The IAEA says science is the key to F. Daiichi wastewater releases. The agency's Lydie Evrard said her team and the Japanese discussed data necessary for a safe and transparent plan, plus how to share information with concerned communities in Japan and abroad. She added that the project is unique because of “the technical specifics, the duration of the release, and the level of international and regional interest and scrutiny that the plan will receive.” Evrard said that team will have members from multiple countries, possibly including China and South Korea, for greater transparency and to address diverse views.
Japan's NRA will replace radiation monitors in Fukushima Prefecture. There are about 3,000 monitoring posts were set up at schools and other locations. The Nuclear Regulation Authority felt the monitors good until at least 2026, but local paranoiac opposition made the watchdog agency move the replacement dates up. The NRA considered removing 80% of the posts completely because nothing of significance had been detected for several years, but local concerns about radiation could not be quelled. So, 300 per year will be refurbishe3d or replaced per year, as needed.
September 3, 2021
- Tokyo confirms the lifting of evacuation mandates for those who want to go home by 2030. The government promises to do whatever is necessary for former residents who wish to return home. Prime Minister Suga says, "On the basis of this plan, we'll carry out decontamination work while holding adequate discussions with the local communities, so that we can lift evacuation orders to allow all residents to return if they wish to do so."He added that the entire Cabinet will make full efforts with the recognition that they are all ministers in charge of recovery. Roughly 20,000 people are registered as residents in the remaining difficult-to-return zones. Those who do not want to go home will not be compelled to do so. -
An IAEA team cannot say F. Daiichi cleanup will be done by 2051. This is because too little is known about the corium still inside the containments of the three meltdowns. Leader Christophe Xerri says, “Honestly speaking, I don’t know, and I don’t know if anybody knows.” He wants Japan to speed up studies of the reactors to get a better long-term grasp of decommissioning. His main concern is, “We need to gather more information on the fuel debris and more experience on the retrieval of the fuel debris to know if the plan can be completed as expected in the next 30 years.” He added that research and development of new technologies needed for the cleanup could take as long as two decades The IAEA team review was conducted remotely, primarily on-line.
Fukushima fishermen pressure Tokyo to gain consumer trust at an on-line meeting. The government explained its measures to prevent damage, including a temporary program to use state funds to purchase Fukushima fishery products if the market dwindles. Trade and Economy Minister Kiyoshi Ejima said, "We'll take necessary measures flexibly." Regardless, The fisheries still stubbornly oppose the release of treated water containing harmless Tritium, only because it is mildly radioactive.
August 27, 2021
Tokyo will buy up all unsold seafood after wastewater releases begin. This is, perhaps, the most do-able part of a draft report on how to deal with reputational damage to the local seafood industry. It says the government will set up a fund to buy the seafood that can be frozen and stored if demand falls. The program will be developed by a panel of cabinet ministers. The plan will also include a provision to inform consumers through supermarket seminars, inside and outside Japan, saying that the water release poses no actual risk... it is all hypothetical. In addition, Tokyo will support trading agricultural products to ensure that pricing will not harm the local market. If the plan does not work, Tokyo will force Tepco to pay compensation to affected businesses. Further, Cabinet Secretary Kato Katsunobu says that all efforts will be made to keep misinformation from emerging. --
Tepco says it will build an undersea tunnel to release treated wastewaters. The water, with all radioisotopes, except Tritium, lowered to about 1/40th of Japan's limits by passage ALPS and dilution with raw seawater, will be released 1 kilometer off the Tohoku coast. The reinforced concrete tunnel will be about 2.5 meters in diameter. The dilution and release will be performed through the F. Daiichi unit #5 seawater intake and discharge system. A Tokyo official said, “Releasing [the water] through the seabed would make a better impression although the construction costs would be high.” Hopefully, this will reduce concerns of reputational damage to local fishermen. The company says the tunnel will prevent released water from being part of the diluting liquid. The tunnel is supposed to be finished by early 2023. - -
South Korea continues to exacerbate Japan's plans for the F. Daiichi wastewater release. On Wednesday, Government Policy Minister, Koo Yun-cheol, said Seoul regrets Tokyo's decision on the future release because no consultations seeking consent. Korea wants current Tokyo planning to stop so that consultation discourse can happen. Aside – S. Korea continues to ignore all Japanese efforts to communicate with its neighboring countries. A clear case of intentional international malfeasance by Korea. - End aside.
Tokyo says all remaining Fukushima evacuees will be allowed to return this decade. This will affect seven municipalities currently burdened with such severe restraints. The plan for this could be adopted by the government as soon as this month. The present no-go zones cover about 8% of the subject municipalities. Previously, the districts were going to be re-opened between 2022 and 2023.
August 13, 2021
Fukushima's foods are promoted at the Olympics by Japan's Reconstruction Agency. Food served to the athletes is not allowed to be accompanied by its geographic source, and some lawmakers feel this is wrong. This led the Agency to unilaterally produce posters to be hung around the Olympic village. One poster with Fukushima Agricultural High School students has them holding various fruits and vegetables grown in the prefecture. The poster says, “We want to surprise the world with the deliciousness of Fukushima.” To get detailed information on the checks the foods must go through, a QR code on the poster needs to be scanned. The Agriculture Ministry explained, “Very strict shipment standards are applied to foodstuffs produced in Fukushima Prefecture, thereby making sure they are safe.”
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