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Fukushima-138--July-14-2023 -July-21-2023
September 29, 2023
Tepco will start the second round of wastewater releases next week. The schedule is for the process to begin October 5. After closely examining what happened with the first round, no problems were found. Once again, about 7,800 tons will be released. Above-limit levels of tritium have not been detected by TEPCO or the Environment Ministry. Scallop exports were hurt the most. Japan's overall food exports to China slipped 43 pct. - -
Japan's seafood exports to China are down 70-75%. China's ban has not stopped imports from Japan, but have severely reduced them. To assuage reduced fishery's income, about $140 will be allocated by Tokyo in addition to the $535 million already planned. -
Russia considers Japanese seafood restrictions in support of China. Up to now, Russia has taken a low-key approach to the issue, but recent contact between Beijing and Moscow seems show otherwise. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said, “We are strongly calling on Russia to make its decision based on scientific evidence. We received the IAEA review in which experts from Russia also participated.” -
North Korea joins in the criticism of Japan's wastewater discharge. Ambassador Kim Song addressed the UN on Wednesday saying the discharges are “ nuclear contaminated” and will cause “irrevocable damage to the safety of humanity and marine ecological environment." Coincidentally, he said N. Korea is “urgently required” to accelerate its nuclear weapons build-up “to defend itself impregnably”.
September 22, 2023
Tritium level in ocean from F. Daiichi remains undetectable. Actually, it has been such ever since wastewater releases began. The latest weekly survey lasted for three days, ending September 11. Water was tested at eleven points from at the release point to as far as 40 kilometers away. The minimum detectable concentration is 10 Becquerels per liter. Weekly sampling will continue for the duration of this year's releases.
China continues to protest the releases. Its Foreign Ministry says the releases are, “selfish and irresponsible. The ocean sustains humanity. It is not a sewer for Japan’s nuclear-contaminated water.”
September 15, 2023
F. Daiichi Unit #1 can survive a major earthquake. This is the conclusion reached after the most recent investigation by Tepco. The inquiry was required by the Nuclear Regulation Authority after the most recent video evidence of the reactor pedestal. The exposed rebar was studied and found to be sufficient for a quake measuring 900 gals. The investigation is ongoing...
Tepco has finished the first round of wastewater releases from F. Daiichi. There will be at least three more releases this fiscal year. Tepco plans to release another 7,800 tons later this month.
The long-awaited restart of Takahama No.2 is in progress. Initial control rod withdrawal began at around 3pm today. Power generation should resume by this coming Wednesday. Official commercial operation should follow thereafter. It has been shuttered for about 11 years.
September 8, 2023
Tritium in seawater off F. Daiichi is barely detectable. Tepco samples at 10 locations from within 3 km from the plant site. One showed 10 Becquerels per Liter (minimum detectable concentration) for one day, while none of the others registered at or above it. In addition, more than 80% of Japan approves of the wastewater release. The poll was taken by the Mainichi Shimbun, which tends toward the anti-nuclear persuasion. 54% say the discharge is “problematic but unavoidable” and 29% approved in entirety. -
Japan issues a “scathing critique” of China's response to the wastewater release. The Foreign Ministry said,“Rather than unnecessarily heighten people’s concerns through transmissions not based on scientific evidence, we continue to ask that China transmit accurate information. The discharged water is not ‘polluted water’ as China claims, but is ‘ALPS processed water’ that has been sufficiently purified and then further diluted.” The reasons for the response include 34,000 nuisance calls to Tokyo and Chinese sites “awash” with fake news reports. One even went so far as to show video of black water from a Mexican building in 2012, and saying it was from Fukushima Daiichi. Even more ridiculous one Chinese news report depicted an AI-generated image of Godzilla rising from the sea! One social media site said the entire Pacific will be radioactively polluted in 57 days, using a graphic from the 2011 nuke accident estimate made by antinuclear “experts”. Another video shows thousands of dead fish washing ashore, allegedly in Fukushima. China's state news agency CGTN said Japan was pumping "polluted water and poisoned fish" into the sea. - - -
US House Speaker says China's response to the wastewater release is “unfair” and “false”. Visiting Tokyo, Kevin McCarthy said, “It's just an unfair position that they have and a false position that they have from the rest of the world's stance. I just view it as another way of the Communist Party of China putting falsities out there, trying to divide."'s-mccarthy-says-china's-position-on-fukushima-discharge-unfair-false
Japanese fishermen and other citizens file suit to stop the wastewater discharge. Some 150 people are taking part in the action. The suit is against Tepco and the Tokyo government. The plaintiffs claim the discharge is illegal, threatens human safety, and hinders the fishing business. A second lawsuit is planned for October. -
China refuses to join an IAEA system to assess the F. Daiichi water release. By joining the joint study, China says it will be "tantamount to endorsing the ocean discharge."'s-suggestion-of-joining-fukushima-water-framework
September 1, 2023
Tritium not detected in Fukushima seawater or fish. The announcement concerning the fish comes from the Japanese Fisheries Agency. The results were from samples taken from withing 10 kilometers of F. Daiichi. An Olive Flounder and a Gurnard were the types tested. The water results come from Tepco, which has analyzed samples drawn from within 3 kilometers since last Thursday. The company dilutes and releases about 450 tons of the decontaminated waters each day. As of Wednesday, nearly 3,000 tons had been released with an average Tritium level of 200 Becquerels per liter...well below Tepco's limit of 1500 Bq/l. Nearly all sample reports have been posted by Japanese news outlets. In addition, the IAEA, the Environment Ministry, and Fukushima Prefecture verified the daily Tepco postings. - - (includes and infographic of the discharge system.) -
U.S. Ambassador Rahm Emanuel says America supports the water release from F. Daiichi. He also calls China's negative response a "blatant political action" and an "act of economic coercion," He said, "The economic coercion against Japan, the robocalls of harassment and disinformation both here in Japan and around (the region) comes right out of China's playbook. This is all politics." American says it is “satisfied” with the wastewater release. -'s-reaction-to-fukushima-release-is-economic-coercion -
Tokyo calls China's total imports ban “an abnormal response”. Beijing blames the ban on the released water being “polluted”, “dangerous” and “irresponsible”. Almost all of China's allies support the Chinese move. A Japanese Fisheries official said, “While we expected them to do something, we never imagined it would be this extensive" -'s-allies-lead-pacific-criticism-of-fukushima-water-release
Chinese over-reaction to F. Daiichi wastewater release gets ugly. Provocative videos ask questions like, "Why are you dumping water contaminated with radioactive substances into the ocean?" and “What is the meaning of this act?” Objects are thrown at Japanese schools, including stones and eggs. A brick is thrown at the Japanese embassy! A man even urinated on the front gate of a Japanese school. Japan's foreign minister said, "It is extremely regrettable and worrying. " The minister asked China to call on its citizens to be calm and “take all possible measures to ensure the safety of Japanese residents and our diplomatic missions in China."The Chinese ministry responded by saying that Chinese citizens should be "cautious in your speech and behavior. Do not speak Japanese unnecessarily or too loudly". - - -
Public facilities and businesses are bombarded with protest calls from China. Vice Foreign Minister Okano Masataka has filed a protest with China's ambassador to Japan. He urged full steps to ensure the safety of the Japanese embassy and Japanese expatriates in China.
Tokyo officials demand a firm response to China's over-reaction. Members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party want stiff international action. One lawmaker said china's import suspension lack support of scientific evidence while another said the word “regrettable” is too weak and wants a formal protest submitted to the World Trade Organization.
August 25, 2023
The purified wastewater release from F. Daiichi began on Thursday. It began at 1pm, Thursday, Japanese time. The waters measured between 43-63 becquerels per liter, many times less than Japan's 60,000 becquerels per liter standard. This is also well below the international limit for release. The wastewater is diluted by a factor of 12,000 using uncontaminated seawater. Roughly 30,000 tons of wastewater is planned for release by the end of the year. This was the top story posted by every media outlet in Japan. - Here is Tepco's official announcement on the release...
South Korea's Prime Minister backs the wastewater release. He fully trusts the IAEA findings on safety. The Australian ambassador to Japan said, "Australia has full confidence in the independent, impartial and science-based technical advice provided by" the International Atomic Energy Agency, and “The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency has reviewed the (IAEA) report and supports the IAEA's assessment that the proposed discharge will not adversely impact people or the environment."
British experts say the wastewater releases will be safe. University of Portsmouth Prof. Jim Smith says, “I don’t know any scientists in the U.K. are against it [Japan’s treated water release].” Imperial College London Prof. Geraldine Thomas also said, “There is no reason not to eat, or drink, or anything, from that region of Japan whatsoever.”
The wastewater release is unpopular in Fukushima Prefecture. One fisherman says, "Nothing about the water release is beneficial to us. There is no advantage for us. None. It's all detrimental." Most local complaints concern the alleged reputational damage done by the release. Fishermen and residents plan to file a lawsuit to stop the releases. They plan to file the suit on September 8. One of the lawyers said, “The government and TEPCO are attempting to apply double the damage on plaintiffs, having already been grossly negligent in causing (the triple meltdown at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant) and now with the water discharge into the ocean.” The main contention is that the long term impact of the releases is unknown. They also say that the releases violate a 2015 promise made by Tepco and Tokyo to not release wastewater until an understanding has been reached with all relevant parties. -
China suspends all Japanese seafood imports due to the wastewater release. The move was announced by China's Customs Authority on Thursday. They say it is because of the (alleged) risk posed by the essentially harmless Tritium in the waters. It is possible the seafood ban will be extended to all food products from Japan.
Fukushima wastewater protesters arrested in South Korea. Some 16 people were arrested when trying to enter the Japanese embassy in Seoul. Protesters hung banners saying, "The sea is not Japan's trash bin," and, "Stop releasing contaminated water at once." Some of the protesters refused to leave, so police physically carried them away for trespassing. This contradicted the approval of the wastewater release made by PM Han Duck-soo.
August 18, 2023
Japan refutes South Korean media report on the plan to release F. Daiichi wastewater. The Foreign Ministry says “a foreign self-proclaimed media” has posted a fake S. Korean ministry document about the imminent release “significantly” exceeds safety standards. The ministry said the "report has no basis" and that the supposed official ministry telegram "is a complete fake."
A S. Korean court dismisses a suit to stop the wastewater discharge. The Busan District Court decided to reject a plea by local environmental groups saying the release will pollute the ocean waters around the country. The dismissal is being appealed.
Switzerland and Liechtenstein lift import restrictions on Japanese food products. This reduces the number of countries continuing the bans to seven.
An international hacker group begins cyber attacks on Japanese groups supporting the wastewater releases. The groups calls itself “Anonymous” began their attacks in July. The Japan NTT security firm in Tokyo says, "Vigilance is needed, as the attacks could further escalate after the discharge." So far, Anonymous has cyber-assaulted the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan Atomic Power Co., and the Atomic Energy Society of Japan. They say "We must put an end to the senseless act of making the sea a dumping ground for economic benefit." Other assaults have come from groups in Viet Nam and Italy.
The mayor of a Yamaguchi town says they want to host a spent fuel storage facility. They will allow Chugoku Electric Power Company to conduct a Tokyo feasibility survey. The Town Assembly approved the move in a vote of 7 to 3. Mayor Nishi Tetsuo said “We will accept Chugoku Electric’s offer to conduct a survey.” The mayor says the town needs the nearly $1 million in annual subsidies that will come with the study in order4 to have sustainable income. If the town is approved for it, the annual subsidy will increase seven-fold. -
A Nagasaki town also wants the n-storage survey. The city of Tsushima will vote on whether or not to adopt a petition for the survey on September 12. Eight-such petitions have been submitted to the town assembly.
July 28, 2023
More Japanese have no fears about F. Daiichi water releases than those who do. A Mainichi Shimbun poll found that 44% have no fears, versus 35% who feel anxiety. However, 53% say explanations about the discharges are insufficient to quell fears. Also, 60% of men have no fears and more than half of women say they have fears.
Japan says China is releasing untrue information about the releases. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Isozaki Yoshihiko says China's news on the matter is just plain false. He also says the false information harms the feelings of those who suffered from the 2011 tsunami. In addition, Tokyo steps up the effort to correct such false info. For example, the foreign ministry team has rejected the South Korean media claim that Japan paid off the IAEA to downplay the release. -
The F. Daiichi water release plan worries Fukushima summer businesses and mothers. In both cases, the prefecture's image might be significantly harmed. One innkeeper lamented,“If you ask me what I think about the water release, I’m against it. But there is nothing I can do to stop it as the government has one-sidedly crafted the plan and will release it anyway. Releasing the water just as people are swimming at sea is totally out of line, even if there is no harm.” One Tokyo University professor says little is known about the impacts of releasing low levels of radionuclides,“If you ask their impact on the environment, honestly, we can only say we don’t know.” Some local women want to be certain that the releases will be safe, so they unilaterally sample the sea to establish background data. One says, "We are helping mothers by releasing this data. We want them to use the data as a basis for making informed decisions and have peace of mind about how to raise their children." -
Meanwhile, a nuke is restarted in Fukui Prefecture. Kansai Electric's Takahama unit #1 began restart procedures by raiing control rods today. The unit was shut down for regular inspections and refueling a few months back.
July 21, 2023
F. Daiichi makes final preparation for wastewater release. Journalists were shown key facilities and equipment on July 14th. Tepco'sTomohiko Mayuzumi said, “Our plan is scientific and safe, and it is most important to firmly convey that and gain understanding.” The waters to be released are essentially harmless, but some nay-saying scientists say long term exposures to tritium is unknown (aside – which is essentially ridiculous... see A fisheries spokesperson says, “We understand the scientific safety to a certain extent, but I believe scientific safety and sense of safety are different.”'s-fukushima-nuclear-plant-prepares-to-release-diluted-radioactive-water-into-the-sea
China begins blanket radioactive testing of Japaneses seafood. This, despite the F. Daiichi wastewater releases have yet to begin. As a result, some Chinese businesses have stopped importing seafood from Japan. To counter this, Tokyo has proposed that China approach the issue in a “scientific manner”, but it is to no avail. Chinese diplomat Wang Yi says China wants Japan to “face up” to legitimate concerns, saying, "This is as much an issue about attitude as it is about science." Japan wants expert dialogue between Japanese and Chinese experts, but some of Japan's experts have been stopped at the border and not allowed in. And, China has stubbornly refused to have any such meeting. -'scientific-manner' -'-dialogue-with-china-on-fukushima-water-release -
Hong Kong's seafood businesses will take a hit when Japanese imports are banned. Hong Kong is the second biggest market for Japanese seafood after China. Simon Wong, president of the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants, said “After moving past the pandemic, businesses were hoping that crisis is a thing of the past already. They don't know if this incident will bring another crisis."'s-seafood-businesses-brace-for-a-sales-slump-as-japan-plans-to-discharge-radioactive-water
Three-fourths of Japan worries about image damage from the water release. PM Fumio Kishida says the planned liquid expulsion will happen, “depending on the extent to which measures to deal with negative publicity are in place”. So, the plans are not written in stone. 48% of Japan's women oppose the release, but 65% of the men support it. However, 70 percent of the supporters said they are concerned about fallout related to negative publicity, regardless.
The robotic arm for corium removal is shown to the press. Corium is the resolidified mixtures of molten fuel and support structures in the core. The arm was made by International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID). An IRID employee made a cautionary statement, “The arm can be extended about 22 meters, but there is only a 30-millimeter margin to prevent it from hitting the wall. So we want to improve the accuracy.”
A fish caught inside the F. Daiichi breakwall is 180 times times Japan's radioactive limit. A Black Rockfish taken in May registered 18,000 Becquerels per kilogram. The water in the port remains significantly above the national limit for Cesium, supposedly due to runoff from the plant site. The fish is a “bottom feeder” so it probably ingested the contamination from the sediment inside the breakwall. Of the 44 fish tested since 2021, only three have exceeded Japan's legal limits.
July 14, 2023
Japan's NRA approves the system for the F. Daiichi wastewater release. The Nuclear Regulation Authority granted Tepco a certificate that allows it to run the system on November 7th. The NRA says there were no performance problems after observing a test run.
Japan's PM assures S. Korea that the wastewater release is safe. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told this to President Yun Sook Yeol on Wednesday. Both were in Vilnius for the NATO summit. Yoon said he respects the recent IAEA approval, but wants real time monitoring data. Yoon has support of the S. Korean legislative majority. Relations between S. Korea and Japan have been improving recently.
Japan defends the neutrality of the IAEA report on F. Daiichi wastewater. At the same time, Tokyo denies allegations of pressuring the nuclear watchdog saying “The claim that cites Japanese funding and staffing at the IAEA to question the neutrality of the IAEA final report is not only completely missing the target but also shakes the significance of the existence of international organizations.” Meanwhile, S. Korean minority nay-sayers make allegations such as “Do not dump radioactive contaminated water into the sea” and calls the mildly radioactive liquid “Fukushima disaster high-level nuclear waste” wile alleging that Tokyo is taking “illegal and unethical action.
North Korea denounces the IAEA for assurance of F. Daiichi wastewater safety. Pyongyang egregiously posts that the release will have a "fatal adverse impact on the human lives and security and ecological environment," and says the IAEA is "not a body for evaluating (the) environment." It adds that the approval is a "typical expression of extreme double standards." In addition, it falsely alleges Japan offered $1 minion Euros to the IAEA for the positive conclusion.
Hong Kong will ban Japanese seafood products if the wastewater is released. Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said if the plan is carried out, he will ban imports of marine products from many Japanese prefectures. He ignorantly said, “The risks are very unknown,. I must ensure that food safety is protected in Hong Kong.” Hong Kong is a major buyer of Japanese farm and sea products. In 2022, Hong Kong spent $1.4 billion on Japanese sea products. Only China buys more. The ban would apply to imported aquatic products from Tokyo, Fukushima, Chiba, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Gunma, Miyagi, Niigata, Nagano and Saitama. - -
Japanese “experts” hold a round-table protest meeting on F. Daiichi wastewater. Katsumi Nakai, former president of Fukushima University said, "Even if the tanks holding the treated water are full, we must not let the steady efforts of local fishermen go to waste by releasing the wastewater into the ocean." Nihonmatsu farmer Seiji Sugeno added, "The problem about the release of treated water is that the voices of citizens and the thoughts of local residents have not been reflected at all. The water discharge must not be decided upon based solely on scientific knowledge."
Japanese fisheries continue to oppose the release, despite words of the Industry Minister. Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura briefed the fisheries, “Safety has been thoroughly confirmed, so I will explain (the plan) to you.” It was to no avail. But Tokyo will continue to try and turn the tide. Cabinet Secretary Matsuno said, “It’s difficult to determine the degree of understanding by any specific indicator. We will continue to communicate with fishermen.” Most fishermen have unwavering concerns over potential reputational damage. -
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